Don’t forget you can connect with SH Richardson in other ways as well! Stop by and say hi, and check out her work on sale today at Amazon!
Get The Junkyard Boys for #Under3Bucks or #Free on #KindleUnlimited
Get The Scrapyard Man for #Under3Bucks or #Free on #KindleUnlimited
Connect with SH Richardson:
The Junkyard Gang Facebook Group:
Check out the amazing stuff coming up this coming month....
Sharon's Take Over List:
Taking Over & Taking Charge!
Come on over and join Author SH Richardson as she takes over the internet!
Ok, Ok, not really! But she is participating in takeovers for the groups/blogs listed below!
Put the info on your to do list, set the reminder and join the shenanigans!
As always there will be fun, chit chat, games and of course!
It’s the best time to share the excitement surrounding Sebastian and the Junkyard Boys!
9/27/16 Sassy and Savy Book Group - Time: 8-9 EST
9/29/16 Sawyer Bennett Private Group - Time: 8 EST
10/01/16 Books N Bitches - Time: 7-7:30 EST
10/4/16 The Padded Room - Time: 9-10 EST
10/5/16 AB Fab Book Blog - Time: 7-8 EST
10/06/16 Fictional Boyfriends Group - Time 5-6 EST
10/7/16 Book Haven Promotions - Time: 6-6:30 EST
10/12/16 Dreams and Screams Bookaholics - 7-8 PM EST
You never know what #Giveaways you might see!
Don’t forget you can connect with SH Richardson in other ways as well! Stop by and say hi, and check out her work on sale today at Amazon!
Get The Junkyard Boys for #Under3Bucks or #Free on #KindleUnlimited
Get The Scrapyard Man for #Under3Bucks or #Free on #KindleUnlimited
Connect with SH Richardson:
The Junkyard Gang Facebook Group:
TJB Promo Post
Hey guys! Here's a promo Post that you can post along with any of The Junkyard Boys Teasers! (You can find those in the album under the photo's tab!)
The Junkyard Boys
Range Reardon
Filth, dirt, and hunger. That was my life before I stumbled across a junkyard with a closed sign out front when I was twelve years old. Born the son of a drunk and left to fend for myself, I was lost until I was found. Buck Calhoun was an ex-biker struggling with his own demons from his past. He didn’t want me, but I needed him. My persistence paid off and I became one of his junkyard boys. He taught me how to be a man, how to fight, how to survive. He became my mentor, my friend, and my father. He gave us all he could until he had nothing else to offer. Clover Benjamin
A black sheep, an outcast, and a joke. I don’t fit into my perfect family. They’re a bevy of beauties with outgoing personalities and bubbly personas. I on the other hand, don’t look like them, speak like them, or act like them, but I’ll always be me. I spend my evenings watching classic television while working towards buying my own car. I’m boring. I don’t date, nor do I socialize. That all changes when a sexy Adonis saves me from certain death at the hands of a mutant insect. His masculine beauty takes my breath away, but I know I’ll bore him. The only problem is, he won’t take no for an answer. New-found love is tested and all hell breaks loose when a stranger from Buck’s past brings danger to the junkyard, threatening the only home they’ve ever known.
Get The Junkyard Boys for #Under3Bucks or #Free on #KindleUnlimited
Don’t forget you can connect with SH Richardson in other ways as well! Stop by and say hi, and check out her work on sale today at Amazon!
Get The Junkyard Boys for #Under3Bucks or #Free on #KindleUnlimited
Get The Scrapyard Man for #Under3Bucks or #Free on #KindleUnlimited
Connect with SH Richardson:
The Junkyard Gang Facebook Group:

SYM Promo Post
Hey guys! Here's a promo Post that you can post along with any of The Scrapyard Man Teasers! (You can find those in the album under the photo's tab!)
The Scrapyard Man Sebastian
Dramatic. Hyper sensitive. Emotional. I know what they say about me. But I don’t give a shit. Buck taught me to never be ashamed of who I am, to never hide my true nature, and I will be respected for it. My kindness is often mistaken for weakness. I use that to my advantage. Mother and Aunt Enid rely on me to take care of them, even though they don’t see me as a capable man, one who can take care of himself. They are wrong. Buck was the one person who saw my true nature and harnessed it in order to maximize my strengths and hone my skills. He knew the real me, what I’m capable of. But he’s gone now, and I’m left searching for someone to believe in me. Ashley What a difference a few months can make. My sister Clover found the love of her life in Range. I couldn’t be happier for them. The men who live at Buck’s Junkyard have become my second family, my brothers. But I want more from one of them. He’s sweet and kind, maybe too kind to give me what I need, but our bond of friendship is solid. I long for a savage beast that can take my body to heights unknown and never let me fall, not a shy worrywart that’s afraid to take what he wants. I want my hero to be more than just a sandwich, even if I have to force him to make the move we both want.
Get The Scrapyard Man for #Under3Bucks or #Free on #KindleUnlimited helping Sebastian grieve the loss of the only father figure he’s ever known, Ashley catches the eye of a dangerous deviant hell-bent on having her for himself. With the lives of their women at stake, Sebastian and the other Junkyard Boys set aside their differences and fight together to save the women they love.
Don’t forget you can connect with SH Richardson in other ways as well! Stop by and say hi, and check out her work on sale today at Amazon!
Get The Junkyard Boys for #Under3Bucks or #Free on #KindleUnlimited
Get The Scrapyard Man for #Under3Bucks or #Free on #KindleUnlimited
Connect with SH Richardson:
The Junkyard Gang Facebook Group:
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