Book: Blessed be me--There is a God
Author: Stan Robinson
My grandfather on his dying bed asked me to pray every day and he would take care of me. Obviously, since then I have lived up to my promise and he has been my guardian angel. He has saved my life in war, danger and disease 28 times which are part of the information in the book. Additionally, since my wife's passing I have witnessed 59 angelic encounters in my home. All of this phenomenon has been covered in this book titled Blessed be me--There is a God. One incident in war is as follows: I was up in the rigging of the ship, slipped and fell and was going to smash on the deck. As I was falling all of the sudden there was a rope in my hand which appeared to be glued. I quickly grabbed the rope with both hands and pulled myself to safety. Beyond question my grandfather was falling by my side. One other episode which is outstanding is as follows: In 1956 I came down with polio while living in Upstate, New York. I was moved to Syracuse University contagious ward and I asked my nurse what could be done about polio and her answer was "nothing." The next morning I woke up completely paralyzed on my right side and I thought to myself, I do not want to live as half a man and I will kill myself. At that moment a female doctor with stethoscope and uniform came in the room, talked to me and checked my paralysis and left the room saying, "You will be all right." My regular nurse entered and I queried, "What's the name of that female doctor that was in here?" She answered, "We have no female doctors in this hospital." Two or three days later I was cured. With all this background plus the extensive commentary in the book it becomes impossible to refute the idea that we are blessed with a God. I am fortunate in having my grandfather as my guardian angel. I will continue to pray every day for those that I love. For sure there is a God.
Author Bio: From growing up with Maine parents in rural New Hampshire, his education came from Dartmouth, the University of Kiel (Fulbright Fellowship) and Yale. He has been a teacher of German language and literature in colleges, Latin and English as well at private secondary schools. A member and captain of the 1964 Olympic Nordic Ski Team and for many years a staff coach with the National Team, he was variously a construction worker, ski touring center designer and operator, and for twenty years (through 2007) a teacher and running and cross-country ski coach at Gould Academy in Bethel, Maine. He lives with his wife Sally in Bethel.
Keywords: Grandfather, guardian angel, war, danger, disease, blessed, polio, paralyzed, cured
My Review:
Before I started reading this book I already had my own thoughts and feelings about if there
is a God or not. So, I was told to read this book and set my own beliefs aside. We all have our
own thoughts, feelings and beliefs about if there is a god or not. Not too many people would
even noticed that they have angels watching over them.
If angel's were dfined by the Webster Universal Unabridged Dictonary as it follows, 1. A spirit
or even a spiritrual being that is employed by God that is according to the scriptures that is
to communicate their won will to man, 2. It is a mininstering or even a guiding spirit and the
3 rd most important information would be, The most convertionalized image of the white robe
that is a figure of a human form with some white wings and a halo. If you try to converse this
to someone that does not believe in God they would fight you to the end and they would not
agree with you at all.
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